Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones. Secretaría de Estado de la Seguridad Social y Pensiones - Dirección General de Ordenación de la Seguridad Social
Administración Presupuestaria

Motion for reversal prior to contentious-administrative proceedings

Código SIA1814057
DenominaciónMotion for reversal prior to contentious-administrative proceedings
Tipo de ProcedimientoRevision of administrative acts and resources
MateriaState pensions
ObjetoResolution of appeals for reconsideration prior to applying to the contentious-administrative court, that have been presented against the Resolutions of the Directorate General of Social Security Organisation involving Civil Servants
Órgano ResponsableGeneral Directorate of Social Security Organisation
Forma InicioApplicant
Lugar de PresentaciónRegisters of the Sub-Directorate General of Civil Service Management, of the Economy and Finance Delegations, and any others contemplated in article 16 of Law 39/2015, of the 1st of October, on Common Administrative Procedures for State Administrative Bodies
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Fases del ProcedimientoThe interested party must file the appeal with the documents accrediting that their claim was filed in the corresponding registries
Plazo de Resolución1 Month(s)
Órganos de Resolución
  • General Directorate of Social Security Organisation

Fin VíaNo
  • Contentious-administrative appeal before the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid within two months of the day after receiving notification
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