Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones. Secretaría de Estado de la Seguridad Social y Pensiones - Dirección General de Ordenación de la Seguridad Social
Administración Presupuestaria

Complements for minimums

The state pensions that do not reach the minimum protection amount established for their type in the General State Budgets Law for each financial year may be supplemented up to said amount in the terms and manner determined by regulations, provided their beneficiaries reside in Spanish territory.

In no event may the amount of the economic supplement exceed the amount established in each financial year for retirement and disability pensions in their non-contribution modality. This supplement may not be awarded if the pensioner receives an annual income above that established for these purposes by the aforementioned Law.

Moreover, widow pensions whose amount is equal to the maintenance that would have applied at the time of separation or divorce may not receive supplements.

2024 Allowances

The financial allowances are prohibited when the pensioner receives income from work, whether self-employed or employed, and/or capital, or any other income in lieu thereof (such as capital gains or earnings), when the sum of all the payments, excluding the pension to be supplemented, exceeds 8.942,00 euros/year in 2024.

The financial effects of allowances for minimum pension amounts are paid retroactively to 1 January 2023 or the date the pension began if said date was later than 1 January.

Monthly minimum amounts guaranted in the year 2024according to type of pension:

Type of PensionAmount €/month
Retirement with a dependent spouse1.033,30
Retirement without a dependent spouse/single person economic unit825,20
Retirement with a non-dependent spouse783,30
Other family members*804,40/n

*In the event that there are several beneficiaries, the amount of the individual pension will be the result of dividing said amount among the number of recipients, with the minimum guarantee per beneficiary of € 252.40/month or € 496.20/month if the orphan is under the age of 18 and has a disability equal to or over 65%.


When the pension or sum of public pensions to be received, once they have been reassessed, is less than these minimums, the interested party shall receive, after submitting a request, an economic supplement in order to reach the minimum indicated for this type of pension.