Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones. Secretaría de Estado de la Seguridad Social y Pensiones - Dirección General de Ordenación de la Seguridad Social
Administración Presupuestaria


State Pensions -as with all public pensions- are revalued according to the revaluation index established for the pensions in the corresponding General State Budgets Law or regulation

Revaluation 2024

In accordance with Royal Royal Decree-Law 8/2023 of 27 December, on the updating of pensions and other public social benefits for the financial year 2023, the updating of pensions paid by the Pension Fund will be applied to the monthly amount of the pension in question on 31 December 2022, after applying the deviation of the Consumer Price Index, reaching an updating of 8.5 percent.

Pensions that do not increase in 2024

In application of the provisions of Article 78 of the aforementioned Royal Decree-Law 8/2023 of 27, the following civil servant pensions will not be increased.

  1. Pensions whose full amount, added, where applicable, to the full monthly value of other public pensions received by the interested party, exceeds €3.175,04 calculated on a monthly basis when the interested party is entitled to receive 14 monthly payments per year or, in other circumstances, €44.450,56 calculated on a yearly basis.
  2. Those to which the "Camineros del Estado" are entitled and earned prior to 1 January 1985, with the exception of those that represent the only pension paid to the interested party.

Rules for the revaluation of civil service pensions

It shall be applied to pensions accrued before 1 January 2024 on the full monthly amount that the pensioner received or would have received on 31 December 2023. The amount of the pension or group of pensions paid from the Pension Credit received by the same pensioner, after applying the appropriate increase to each of them, shall be limited to the sum of 44.450,56 euros a year, including both the amount of the ordinary monthly payments and the amount of any extra payments that may be due.

Revaluation procedure

The revaluation of civil service pensions for 2023 will be carried out automatically, with economic effects from 1 January 2024, by the General Directorate of Social Security Organisation.This shall be carried out on the basis of the data available for each pensioner as of 31 December 2023.

The revaluation shall be provisional until such time as the government verifies the appropriateness of the amount of the revaluation, depending on the other payments of the pensioner(s) and in accordance with the rules governing eligibility and incompatibility that may be applicable in each case.

If the revaluation performed previously shows that excess amounts have been received, the pensioner shall be obliged to reimburse the amount unduly received. Without prejudice to the foregoing, in the event that the interested party has made a false declaration or omitted information, they may be held liable for the corresponding penalties they may have incurred.

Special pensions due to acts of terrorisms

Las pensiones extraordinarias del Régimen de Clases Pasivas del Estado originadas por actos de terrorismo se adaptarán a los importes que correspondan conforme a su legislación propia, no estando sujetas, en ningún caso y de conformidad con lo previsto en el artículo 40.Uno.a), párrafo segundo, de la Ley 31/2022, de 23 de diciembre, a los límites previstos con carácter general. Asimismo, tampoco se computarán los importes de dichas pensiones, a los efectos de la aplicación de los mencionados límites en los supuestos de concurrencia, en una misma persona titular, de otras pensiones públicas.

In the event that, besides any of the pensions mentioned in the preceding paragraph, an individual is entitled to the payment of one or more other state pensions as at 31 December 2023, the abovementioned exclusionary or restrictive rules shall apply in respect of the latter.