Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones. Secretaría de Estado de la Seguridad Social y Pensiones - Dirección General de Ordenación de la Seguridad Social
Administración Presupuestaria

Armed Forces and Institutions of the Republic

  • Ley 37/1984, de 22 de octubre, de reconocimiento de derechos y servicios prestados a quienes durante la guerra civil formaron parte de las Fuerzas Armadas, Fuerzas de Orden Público y Cuerpo de Carabineros de la República (B.O.E. 1/11/1984)

I. Professional Soldiers of the Armed Forces and Institutions of the Republic

Causing subjects

The members of the Armed Forces and Institutions who, as military civil servants, served the 2nd Republic during the (1936-1939) Civil War.


  • The causing subjects.
  • Widowed spouses, ex-spouses or unmarried partners and orphans under 21 years of age or older, incapacitated for any work from before reaching that age or from the date of death of the deceased, who meet the requirements established in the Civil Service legislation applicable in each case.

Amount of the pension

The amount of the pensions will be that which corresponds, in accordance with the job and service time acknowledged to the causing subject, by virtue of the application of the Passive Class legislation applicable on 31-12-1984 for military personnel.

II. Non-Professional veterans of the Armed Forces and Institutions of the Republic

Causing subjects

Those who rendered service to the Republic during the Civil War (1936-1939) in the Armed Forces, obtaining a military post or degree of at least sub official, as well as former members of the Public Order Forces or the Military Police Corps during the aforementioned time period. The foregoing provided that they were not regarded as (professional) military civil servants before 1 April, 1939.


  • The causing subjects.
  • Los cónyuges viudos, excónyuges o parejas de hecho y huérfanos menores de 21 años o mayores de dicha edad, incapacitados para todo trabajo desde antes de cumplirla o del fallecimiento del causante, que cumplan los requisitos establecidos en la legislación de Clases Pasivas aplicable en cada caso

Amount of the pensions

1. In favour of the causing subjects:

The amount of the pension is the equivalent to 100 per cent of the pension, without the calculation of triennial periods, corresponding to similar military posts, to the personnel regarded as professional for the purpose of Law 37/1984.

The amount of the pensions in favour of the parties concerned may not be less than that established in the Social Security system as the minimum sum for retirement pensions with dependent spouse for those aged over 65. For 2023, this sum is fixed at €966.20/month. 

2. In favour of relatives:

The amount of widowhood and orphanage pensions is 50 per cent or 20 per cent, respectively, of that which would have corresponded to the causing subject.

The amount of the widowhood pensions may not be less than the established minimum amount in the Social Security System for widowhood pensions for over 65s;this amount for 2023 is set at 783.10 €/month.

If there is no widowhood pension, the orphanhood pension is increased by the amount of the widowhood pension.