Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Inclusión, Seguridad Social y Migraciones. Secretaría de Estado de la Seguridad Social y Pensiones - Dirección General de Ordenación de la Seguridad Social
Administración Presupuestaria
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Frequently asked questions


Frequently asked questions about the electronic information exchange services relating to the Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme Portal.

The FAQs, more than a page, is an informative tool with which to manage queries and efficiently and directly resolve them.

  1. About the Directorate General of Social Security Organisation

    1. What is the State Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme?

      This is the public system for the recognition and payment of pensions to civil servants and their families, who have contributed during their working lives to the State Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme, through deductions made in the "Pension Contributions".

      You can find the necessary information and the amount of contributions distributed by contribution groups and years in the "Pension Contributions " section of this Portal.


      Since 1 January 2011, newly recruited civil servants are compulsorily included in and pay contributions to the General Social Security Scheme, which is the scheme under which they and their family members are entitled to a retirement pension.

      • Regulation: Third Additional Provision. Royal Legislative Decree 8/2015. 30.10. Revised Text of the General Law on Social Security.

      As of 6 October 2020,the Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme will be part of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration through the provisional integration of the Sub Directorate General for Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme Management into the Directorate General of Social Security Organisation.

      • Regulation: Royal Decree 497/2020 of 28 April. Third Additional Provision

      The services of the State Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme continue to be provided through the Provincial Economy and Finance Delegations.

    2. What pensions or benefits are recognised and paid by the State Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme?

      All the information about them can be consulted in the "Civil Servant Pensions “section of this Portal.


      Retirement PensionsTo civil servants of the State
      Pensions for family membersOf civil servants of the State:
      • • P. Widows
      • • P. Orphans
      • • P. Parents
      Retirement PensionsPermanent career and non-permanent military personnel
      Pensions for family membersFrom permanent career military to non-permanent military:
      • • P. Widows
      • • P. Orphans
      • • P. Parents
      Special War PensionsCivil War pensions
      Aid for Victims of Violent CrimeTo direct or indirect victims of intentional and violent crimes committed in Spain
      Maintenance Payment Guarantee Fund AdvancesTo children under 18 years of age or disabled children for non-payment of maintenance recognised by a judicially approved agreement or court decision
      Extraordinary Pensions for TerrorismNOT civil servants and not protected by any other social security pension system
      HIV supportAffected people, children and orphans of those infected in the public health system Mº of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare
  2. Other public bodies related to Civil Servant Pensions

    1. Mutual funds: MUFACE.- ISFAS.- MUGEJU

      1. MUFACE

        This is the public body responsible for providing health and social care to civil servants and is not responsible for the recognition and payment of Civil Servant Pensions.

        Telephone Information060
        Portal to obtain information onlinehttps://www.muface.es/
        Electronic office for the management of procedureshttps://sede.muface.gob.es/
      2. ISFAS

        This is the public body responsible for providing health and social assistance to the Armed Forces, Guardia Civil, statutory personnel of the CNI and the personnel of the bodies attached to the Ministry of Defence, and it is not responsible for the recognition and payment of Civil Servant Pensions.

        Telephone Information900 504 326
        Portal to obtain information onlinehttps://www.defensa.gob.es/isfas/
        Electronic office for the management of procedureshttps://sede.isfas.gob.es/
      3. MUGEJU

        It is the public body in charge of providing health and social assistance to the group of civil servants in the Administration of Justice and is not responsible for the recognition and payment of pensions.

        Telephone Information91 586 03 00
        Portal to obtain information onlinehttps://www.mugeju.es/
        Electronic office for the management of procedureshttps://sedemugeju.gob.es/
    2. National Institute of Social Security. (INSS)

      It is responsible for the management and administration of the pensions and economic benefits of the different Social Security schemes (except for the State Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme).

      Telephone Information901 16 65 65 y 91 542 11 76
      Portal to obtain information online https://www.seg-social.es/
      Electronic office for the management of procedureshttps://sede.seg-social.gob.es/
    3. General Treasury of the Social Security

      This is the competent body for the affiliation, registration and deregistration of workers who contribute to the different Social Security schemes (except for the State Civil Servant Pension Scheme) and for the issuance of the Workers' Work Life Reports

      Telephone Information901 50 20 50 y 91 541 02 91
      Portal to obtain information onlinehttps://portal.seg-social.gob.es/
      Electronic office for the management of procedureshttps://sede.seg-social.gob.es
  3. Civil Servant Pension Portal and Civil Servant Pension e-Office

    1. Portal de Clases Pasivas y Sede Electrónica de Clases Pasivas

      1. What is the Civil Servant Pension Portal and how do I access it?

        The Portal PROVIDES INFORMATION on the following questions on Civil Servant Pension.

        * For general information on pensions and benefits of the Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme.

        * For further information, please write to the "Services" section, via the "Queries mailbox";

        * To book an Appointment at the Civil Servant Pension Unit according to the province in which you live.

        * The Simul@ programme is available to you to calculate future Retirement pension.

        Access to the Civil Servant Pension' Portal (WITHOUT electronic accreditation):

        Via the following link on the internet


      2. What is the Civil Servant Pension E-Office and how do I access it?

        The E-Office allows you to ENQUIRE about certain questions relating to your pension and to SUBMIT applications and documents 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

        Access to the Civil Servant Pension E-Office (WITH electronic accreditation):

        How to access it:

        With an electronic certificate or electronic ID card.



        Also with permanent Cl@ve. Only for the "Citizens" section.



        In the Citizens section, you can obtain and view the following information:

        - Consult your personal and economic pension data

        - Obtain receipts from current and previous pay slips (last 12 months)

        - Pension revaluation letter for the year in progress

        - Certificate of withholdings on account for previous year's income tax return (IRPF), for current income tax return

        - Obtain official monthly or annual certificates for pension or retirement due to disability and retirement due to redundancy

        In the 'Electronic application for benefits' section, you can:

        - Submit your electronic applications and official forms

        - Attach documents to a civil service pension record already submitted

      3. How can I obtain an electronic DNI, an electronic certificate or the permanent Cl@ve?

        Electronic ID. This is the identity and digital signature document issued by the General Directorate of Police.

        For more information on how to obtain an electronic ID card at your issuing office, please consult the following link:


        Electronic certificate. This is the digital signature that can be installed in the browser of any electronic device (computer, mobile or tablet), to guarantee the identity of its user on the internet, allowing them to carry out formalities and procedures from them.

        The Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (FNMT) is the certification service provider that makes different types of electronic certificates available to users in order to identify themselves and carry out procedures securely over the Internet.

        You can access through the following link:


        Permanent Cl@ve. This is the authentication system designed to access electronic services by means of a personal password.

        Application information can be found through the following link:


        The following form is available for reporting technical errors


      4. I received a notification notice by SMS or email and I cannot access the document.

        This notice serves to inform you that you have a Civil Servant Pension notification (usually a decision) in the Citizen's Folder

        Through the Citizen's Folder you can find out about the files you have open in the different Public Bodies and consult your personal data on the Internet by clicking on the following link:


        If you do not access the Citizen's Folder, the notification will be sent to your home address by registered post a few days later.

        You can also access this notification in the following ways:

        • Electronically. If you have an electronic ID card or an authorised electronic certificate, through the following link of the Civil Servant Pension E-office, in the "My notifications/my communications" section, if you have previously subscribed to this procedure in the following link:


        At the bottom of that page you will find a button (link) called "Technical Support", to click on if you are unable to see the notification:

        o List of the most common incidents.

        o Minimum requirements for access to electronic systems.

        o A personalised Incident Form, where you can fill in a brief description of the access problem and send it by e-mail so that your incident can be resolved.

        • By post. A few days after the notice has been issued and if you have not been able to access the notification electronically, you will receive the notification by registered post at your home address.

        • In person. If you prefer to collect the notification in person at our offices, you must book an APPOINTMENT in advance from the "Services. Other procedures” section of this Portal, where you can choose from the calendar the day and time of the appointments that are available.

        This procedure is essential in order to be able to be attended at the offices. You can find our Civil Servant Pension offices in the "About us" section. Addresses and Telephone numbers", of this Portal.

        Through the link on the Civil Servant Pension Portal, in the section "Addresses and Telephone numbers", you have the following at your disposition:


      5. Why make an appointment?

        The appointment system is a system that guarantees that citizens can be attended to in a timely and organised manner in matters related to Civil Servant Pensions. You can request your appointment in the following ways:

        · If it is to find out about the amount of your future retirement pension: On the Civil Servant Pension Portal, in the section "Services. Pre-retirement information".

        · If it is to submit applications and documents or to enquire about any other procedure: On the Civil Servant Pension Portal, in the section "Services. Other procedures". The following link to the Civil Servant Pension Portal, in the "Services" section, provides you with these services:


      6. How can I make a written enquiry?

        On the Civil Servant Pension Portal you have at your disposal the section“"Services. Queries mailbox", to submit your queries in writing on any issue related to Civil Servant Pension.

        You must fill in the form and you will receive a reply within a maximum period of 5 days to the e-mail address you have provided.

  4. Frequently asked questions

    1. On Recognition of pensions and benefits of Civil Servant Pension contributions

      1. Classification of civil servants.

        As a general rule, civil servants shall be enrolled in and contribute to one of these schemes for the purpose of entitlement to their future retirement pension and for the benefit of their family members:

        Civil servants and military officials recruited before 01.01.2011, from the:Civil servants and military officials recruited after 01.01.2011, of the above, and in addition:
        • • State Civil Administration
        • • National Police
        • • Permanent and non-permanent career military
        • • Guardia Civil
        • • Administration of Justice
        • • University Teaching Staff
        • • Primary and Secondary School Teachers
        • • Constitutional or state bodies
        • • Órganos constitucionales o estatales
        • • Property Registrars, prior to 2015
        • • Professions and Grades of the Institutional Administration
        • • Autonomous Bodies
        • • Public Business Entities
        • • State Agencies....
        • • Autonomous Communities
        • • Local Entities
        • • Social Security Administration

        Exception: staff included in the scope of coverage of the Civil Servant Pension Scheme on 31 December 2010 who,: after that date and without interruption, enter regardless of the system of access, or rejoin another Body which had given rise to their inclusion in the Civil Servant Pension Scheme on that date, shall continue to belong to the Pension Scheme.

        In the event of an improper classification, it is the competent personnel bodies of the establishment to which the civil servant was assigned who are responsible for verifying and managing his or her correct classification.

        On the Civil Servant Pension Portal you have at your disposal the section "Services. Queries mailbox", to submit any queries concerning this issue.

      2. I would like to request a certificate accrediting my contributions as a civil servant to the State Civil Servants’ Pension Scheme

        For the purposes of incorporating the years of contribution in the Civil Servant Pension Scheme into Social Security pensions, in application of the reciprocal calculation of contributions between Social Security schemes, the interested party must request certification of services rendered to the State, which shall be done on the official CS Form , issued by the personnel body of the ministerial department or Autonomous Community of the civil servant's last posting.

        Regulation: Royal Decree 691/1991 of 12 April. It should be borne in mind that the time contributed in any other Social Security scheme does not appear in the Certificate of Services, but in the Work Life Report.

      3. I would like to apply for a certificate certifying my social security contributions.

        The competent body is the General Treasury of the Social Security and the document to be requested is called Working Life Report.

        You can contact the Social Security General Treasury at:

        Telephones Information: 901 50 20 50  y 91 541 02 91

        Portal to obtain information online https://portal.seg-social.gob.es/

        Electronic office for the management of procedures https://sede.seg-social.gob.es/

        It should be noted that the time you have contributed to the Civil Service Pension Scheme does not appear in this report, but in the certification of services, provided to the state.

      4. What steps do I have to take when I retire?

        1º. To whom do I apply for retirement? You should contact the Personnel Service of the Ministry or Autonomous Community where you are assigned and request the corresponding retirement form.

        2º. Who decides on retirement? The personnel body of your Ministry or Autonomous Community is competent to decide on retirement or withdrawal.

        3º. How is my pension recognised? The retirement body of your Ministry or Autonomous Community will send to this Sub Directorate General for the Management of Civil Servant Pension Schemes all the documentation required to recognise your retirement pension.

        4º. When will the Civil Servant Pension Scheme contact me? The Sub Directorate General for the Management of Civil Servant Pension Schemes will send you:

        4º.1. By post: a letter entitled "Notice of Commencement of Proceedings". This is an information letter to inform you of the date on which your pension application was received and the deadlines for a decision.

        4º.2. Notification by SMS or e-mail: when the pension has been decided on, a message is sent to let you know that there is a notification of Resolution which you can access electronically through the Civil Servant Pension E-Office, in the section "My notifications/my communications", if you have previously subscribed to this procedure with your electronic ID card or Electronic Certificate, at the following link https://clasespasivas.gob.es/sitios/sedeclasespasivas/es-ES/Paginas/inicio.aspx

        4.3. By registered post: if you have not registered for electronic notifications, you will receive your civil service pension decision and the first payment of the month at your home a few days later. Further, every year you will be sent to your home address, at the end of the month of:

        - January: the Annual pension revaluation letter

        - February: the Certificate of Withholdings on account for your income tax return (IRPF), to do your tax return.

      5. Can my contributions for having worked abroad be recognised in my Pensionable Class pension?

        Civil Servant's Pensions are included in the scope of application of the Community Regulations for the coordination of social security systems among its member countries. (These are the Member States of the European Union, the European Economic Area, Switzerland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and by bilateral agreement Japan and Senegal).

        Applications for pensions under the Community Regulations must be submitted to the competent institution in the country of residence of the person concerned, which in Spain is this Sub Directorate General for the Management of Civil Servant Pension Schemes.

        All the relevant information is available in the section "Civil Servant Pension Schemes. -Community Regulations", and applications in the "Applications and Procedures" section of this Portal


      6. What are the incompatibilities between my Civil Servant Pension and my work?

        All the relevant information is available in the "Civil Servant Pension - Incompatibilities" section of this Portal. On the Civil Servant Pension Portal through the "Servicios. Queries mailbox", you can ask about this topic.


      7. Who can receive a widow's or widower's pension and how much is it?

        In general, those who are or have been:

        · Legitimate spouses

        · Their common-law partners

        · Ex-spouses (in cases of legal separation, annulment or divorce) for whom recognition of the widow's/widower's pension is conditional upon entitlement to a compensatory pension, subject to the exceptions.

        The amount of the widow's/widower's pension shall be 50% or 25% (in the case of extraordinary pensions) of the Regulatory Base of the deceased.

        And from 01.01.2019, the applicable percentage will be 58% or 29% (in extraordinary pensions) of the Regulatory Base of the deceased, if they meet the established requirements.

        You can find all the relevant information in the ""Civil Servant Pension Schemes- Pensions for Family Members - Pensions for Widowhood" section of this Portal.


      8. In the case of legal separation, annulment or divorce, am I entitled to a widow's or widower's pension?

        Only in the case of having recognised by court decision or judgement and by regulatory agreement a compensatory pension or compensation that would be extinguished by the death of the ex-spouse.


        · Being a victim of gender-based violence, at the time of legal separation or divorce, or

        · Be over 50 years of age at the date of death of the deceased or have children in common in the marriage, provided that the following 3 requirements are also met:

        1. The legal separation or divorce took place before 01.01.2008.

        2. No more than 10 years have elapsed between the dates of the legal separation or divorce and the death of the deceased. (Until 01.01.2018).

        3. The marriage lasted at least 10 years.

        On the Civil Servant Pension Portal through the "Services. Queries mailbox", you can ask about this topic


      9. Who can receive an orphan's pension and how much can they receive?

        The deceased civil servant's children under 21 years of age, as well as those who were incapacitated for any work (absolute) before reaching that age or before the date of death.

        Children under the age of 21 have the possibility of extending the payment of the orphan's pension until:

        · 25 years of age, if not working in the private sector or in employment, they will be paid less than the current minimum inter-professional wage (SMI) in annual terms. (Ex officio).

        · To the second extension for studies if, in addition, on reaching the age of 25 years, he/she is also pursuing academic studies. (At the request of one of the parties).

        In this case, the extension would be until the first day of the month following the beginning of the next academic year (generally until the following October).

        The amount of the orphan's pension shall be 25% or 12.5% (in the case of extraordinary pensions) of the Regulatory Base of the deceased, to be divided equally among all the children.

        You can find all the relevant information in the "Civil Servant Pension Schemes- Pensions for Family Members - Pensions for Orphans" section of this Portal.


      10. Are parents entitled to a pension on the death of their civil servant child?

        Yes, provided that they were financially dependent on the pension contributor at the time of their death and there are no other beneficiaries entitled to their pension (legitimate spouse, common-law partner, former spouse or children).

        The amount of the parents' pension shall be 15% or 7.5% (in the case of extraordinary pensions) of the Regulatory Base of the deceased, for each parent, without the possibility of accumulation in the event of death or loss of legal capacity of either of them.

        You can find all the relevant information in the "Civil Servant Pension Schemes- Pensions for Family Members - Pensions for Parents" section of this Portal:


      11. I want to know the status of the processing of my Pension or Civil Servant Pensioner’s Benefit

        You can make an enquiry:

        a). Through the e Civil Servant Pension E-Office, in the "Citizens" section, you can obtain this information at:


        How to access it:

        With a permanent Clave, electronic certificate or electronic DNI card.




        The following form is available for reporting technical errors:


        b). Via the Civil Servant Pension information telephone number: 900 50 30 55.

    2. On the Payment and Payrolls of Pensions and Civil Servant Pension benefits

      1. When will my Civil Servant Pension be paid this month?

        The order for payment of pensions and benefits of the Civil Servant Pension Scheme is given on the 25th of each month, except for the month of December, when payment will be made earlier.

        • Regulation: Article 5(2). Royal Decree 227/1981. 23.01

      2. When is the extra Christmas bonus paid?

        In December, together with the monthly payment for that month.

        • Regulation: Article 22(2)(a). Royal Legislative Decree 670/1987. 30. 04. Revised Text of the State Civil Servant Pension Law

      3. How many payments per year are made for Civil Servant Pensions?

        14 payments. In addition to the twelve ordinary monthly payments, two extra monthly payments shall be paid in June and December, with the first extra payment being paid proportionally, at the rate of one-sixth for each month after the month in which the pension starts to be paid.

        Regulation: Article 22(2)(c). Royal Legislative Decree 670/1987. 30. 04. Revised Text of the State Civil Servant Pension Law

      4. What do I have to do to change my pension account number and when will the change be come into effect?

        The change of direct debit must be made in writing or on a form in which you communicate the details of your new account. Once the application has been submitted, the change will generally be effective as of the following month.

        You can apply in one of 3 ways:

        1. Electronically. If you have an electronic ID card or electronic certificate, you can go to the Civil Servant Pension E-office, by clicking on the following link:


        from the Section: "Electronic application for benefits" and choosing the first "Procedure or step" called "Modification of Civil Servant Pension Data".

        2. By post. In writing or by downloading the official form in the "Applications and Procedures" section and choosing the model called "Application for direct debit" from this Portal.

        Once you have completed, dated and signed the letter or the official form, you must send it by post to the address of the Civil Servant Pension Unit in the province where you live.

        You can find our Civil Servant Pension offices in the "About us" section. Addresses and Telephone numbers", of this Portal.


        3. In person. If you prefer to apply in person at our offices, you must book an APPOINTMENT in advance from the "Services. Other procedures” section of this Portal, where you can choose from the calendar the day and time of the appointments that are available. This procedure is essential in order to be able to be attended at the offices.


      5. I have not received my pension this month

        The most common cause is that the bank has returned the transfer or there has been some delay in the money arriving in your account.

        1º. You should contact your bank office to confirm whether the transfer has arrived at the bank. (Payments are normally received by the bank from the 25th of each month)

        2º. If you tell your bank that you have not received the transfer, you should contact Civil Servant Pensions on the information telephone number: 900 50 30 55, who will inform you about the payment

      6. What do I have to do to change the address or indicate another address for notifications?

        The change of address or domicile for the purpose of notifications must be made in writing where you communicate the new details.

        You can apply in one of 3 ways.

        1. Electronically. If you have an electronic ID card or electronic certificate, you can go to the Civil Servant Pension E-office, by clicking on the following link:


        from the Section: "Electronic application for benefits" and choosing the first "Procedure or step" called "Modification of Civil Servant Pension Data".

        2. By post. In writing or by downloading the official form in the "Applications and Procedures" section and choosing the model called "Request for modification of data" from this Portal.

        Once you have completed, dated and signed the letter or the official form, you must send it by post to the address of the Civil Servant Pension Unit in the province where you live. You can find our Civil Servant Pension offices in the "About us" section. Addresses and Telephone numbers", of this Portal.


        3. In person. If you prefer to apply in person at our offices, you must book an APPOINTMENT in advance from the "Services. Other procedures” section of this Portal, where you can choose from the calendar the day and time of the appointments that are available.

        This procedure is essential in order to be able to be attended at the offices.


      7. I think that the income tax discount that has been applied to me is not correct

        1º. You should check all personal and family details that are taken into consideration for tax purposes for the personal income tax deduction:

        · Amount of pension

        · Number of payments to be received in a year

        · Date of birth

        · Family situation

        · Degree of disability

        · Number of dependent descendants

        · Number of dependent ascendants

        · Deductions for the payment of alimony or maintenance payments

        · Payments for the purchase or renovation of the principal residence

        · Shared contribution (2 pensions from different payers)

        2º. If you have anything different from this data, you can communicate it through the Form 145 "Communication of data to the payer", in any of these 3 ways.

        1. Electronically. If you have an electronic ID card or electronic certificate, you can go to the Civil Servant Pension E-office, by clicking on the following link:


        from the Section: "Electronic application for benefits" and choosing the first "Procedure" called "Communication of data for the calculation of income tax withholdings”.

        2. By post. In writing or by downloading the official form in the "Applications and Procedures" section and choosing the model called "Model 145. Communication of data to the payer for personal income tax purposes", on this Portal.

        Once you have completed, dated and signed the letter or the official form, you must send it by post to the address of the Civil Servant Pension Unit in the province where you live.

        You can find our Civil Servant Pension offices in the "About us" section. Addresses and Telephone numbers", of this Portal.


        3. In person. If you prefer to apply in person at our offices, you must book an APPOINTMENT in advance from the "Services. Other procedures” section of this Portal, where you can choose from the calendar the day and time of the appointments that are available.

        This procedure is essential in order to be able to be attended at the offices.


      8. Why has my personal income tax gone up so much?

        It may be because of one of these issues. Check if this could be the case for you

        a). At the beginning of the year

        • · Generally it is because you started receiving your pension in any month of the previous year and you did not receive a personal income tax deduction or it was reduced by the number of months you received it during that year.

        • · Because of children. The year in which they reach 25 years of age or 3 years of age (there is a special deduction for these minors), irrespective of their birthday. As of 1 January, these tax deductions will disappear.

        b). At any time of the year:

        • · A second pension has been recognised in the Civil Servants Pension Scheme

        • · You have requested a change of address from Ceuta or Melilla to mainland Spain

        •· You have communicated a change in your personal details that takes effect from 1 January (death or end of financial dependency of spouse or dependent ascendants, children above the income limit ....)

      9. My husband or a colleague has the same pension as I do and I get paid less

        You should check all personal and family details that are taken into consideration for tax purposes for the personal income tax deduction:

        · Amount of pension

        · Number of payments to be received in a year

        · Date of birth

        · Family situation

        · Degree of disability

        · Number of dependent descendants

        · Number of dependent ascendants

        · Deductions for the payment of alimony or maintenance payments

        · Payments for the purchase or renovation of the principal residence

        · Shared contribution (2 pensions from different payers)

        It may be because your data is not the same on one of these issues

      10. What is a double taxation treaty?

        SThis only applies if you live abroad and receive a pension from the Pension Fund.

        It is an agreement between two States that establishes a set of tax rules to avoid having to pay twice for the same taxable event. (In this case, the personal income tax deduction would no longer be applied to the Civil Servant Pension).

        You can check the countries that have signed the agreement with Spain by clicking on the following link:


        You can apply for the double taxation treaty to be applied to you in one of 3 ways./p>

        1. Electronically. If you have an electronic ID card or electronic certificate, you can go to the Civil Servant Pension E-office, by clicking on the following link:


        from the Section: "Electronic application for benefits" and choosing the first "Procedure or step" called "Modification of data on Civil Servant Pension. (Within the heading: Other amendments/comments”.

        2. By post. In writing or by downloading the official form in the "Applications and Procedures" section and choosing the model called "Request for modification of data. (Within the heading: Other modifications / Remarks) of this Portal.

        Once you have completed, dated and signed the letter or the official form, you must send it by post to the address of the Civil Servant Pension Unit in the province where you live.

        You can find our Civil Servant Pension offices in the "About us" section. Addresses and Telephone numbers", of this Portal.


        3. In person. If you prefer to apply in person at our offices, you must book an APPOINTMENT in advance from the "Services. Other procedures” section of this Portal, where you can choose from the calendar the day and time of the appointments that are available.

        This procedure is essential in order to be able to be attended at the offices


      11. What do I have to do to get a higher voluntary personal income tax deduction on my pension?

        The application must be made in writing and you must state the percentage of voluntary personal income tax relief you wish to receive.

        You can apply in one of 3 ways.

        1. Electronically. If you have an electronic ID card or electronic certificate, you can go to the Civil Servant Pension E-office, by clicking on the following link:


        from the Section: "Electronic claiming of benefits. Modification of Civil Servant Pension data. (Under the heading: Application for a voluntary increase in personal income tax)".

        2. By post. In writing or by downloading the official form from the Civil Servant Pension Portal, from the "Applications and Procedures" section and choosing the form entitled "Modification of pension data. (Under the heading: Application for a voluntary increase in personal income tax)".


        Once you have completed, dated and signed the letter or the official form, you must send it by post to the address of the Civil Servant Pension Unit in the province where you live. You can find our Civil Servant Pension offices in the "About us" section. Addresses and Telephone numbers", of this Portal.


        3. In person. If you prefer to apply in person at our offices, you must book an APPOINTMENT in advance from the "Services. Other procedures” section of this Portal, where you can choose from the calendar the day and time of the appointments that are available.


      12. What do I have to do to inform them of any changes in my family situation, degree of disability, number of dependent children or parents, payment of compensatory pensions to my ex-spouse or for child support, payment for renovation or purchase of my habitual residence for the purposes of the income tax discount?

        The request must be made in writing or by filling in Form 145 where you communicate your new details for tax purposes.

        You can apply in one of 3 ways.

        1. Electronically. If you have an electronic ID card or electronic certificate, you can go to the Civil Servant Pension E-office, by clicking on the following link:


        from the Section: "Electronic application for benefits" and choosing the fourth "Procedure" called "Communication of data for the calculation of personal income tax".

        2. By post. In writing or by downloading the official form from the Civil Servant Pension Portal, from the "Applications and Procedures" section and choosing the form entitled "Communication of data to the payer for Personal Income Tax purposes". (Form 145).

        Once you have completed, dated and signed the official Written Statement or form, you must send it by post to the address of the Civil Servant Pension Unit in the province where you live. You can find our Civil Servant Pension offices in the "About us.Addresses and Telephone Numbers", of this Portal


        3. In person. If you wish to submit your application in person at our offices, you must book an APPOINTMENT in advance from the Civil Servant Pension Portal, in the "Services" section. Appointments: Other procedures", where you can choose from the calendar the day and time from the available appointments.

        This procedure is essential in order to be able to be attended to at the office


      13. What is the pension ceiling for this year?

        For the year 2022, after the general pension revaluation of 8,5 %, it is:

        MONTHLY 2023 ANNUAL 2023
        3.058,81 € full amount42.823,34 € full amount

        Under the heading "Civil Servant Pension. Maximum limit" on this Civil Servant Pension Portal, you can find all the information


      14. How do I report the death of a pensioner and claim the pension for his or her family members?

        A). If the deceased official was on active duty: Family members can apply directly for the corresponding Widow's, Widower's and Orphan's Pensions, and in the absence of these, in favour of Parents./p>

        B). If the deceased official was already a pensioner. Data on deaths in Spain are normally provided by the Civil Registries.

        In such cases, payment is made ex officio to the deceased pensioner's bank account:

        · Of the full monthly payment of the death

        · Of the proportional part of the extra payment that would have generated

        Family members can apply for widow's or widower's, orphan's or parent's pensions in one of the following ways:

        1. Electronically. If you have an electronic ID card or electronic certificate, you can go to the Civil Servant Pension E-office, by clicking on the following link:


        from the Section: "Electronic claiming of benefits. Application for a Widow's or Widower's, Orphan's or Parent's Pension"./p>

        2. By post. By downloading the official form from the Civil Servant Pension Portal, from the "Applications and Procedures. Application for a Widow's or Widower's, Orphan's or Parent's Pension" section.

        Once you have completed, dated and signed the official form, you must send it by post to the address of the Civil Servant Pension Portal in the province where you live. You can find our Civil Servant Pension offices in the "About us. Addresses and Telephone Numbers", of this Portal


        3. In person. If you wish to submit your application in person at our offices, you must book an APPOINTMENT in advance from the Civil Servant Pension Portal, in the "Services" section. Appointments: Other procedures", where you can choose from the calendar the day and time from the available appointments.


      15. I want to waive my pension

        1. The pensions of the Civil Servant Pension Scheme cannot be waived. They may not be the object of assignments, agreements or contracts of any kind, and may only be originated, transferred and extinguished for legally determined reasons.

        2. There is no statute of limitations on pensions and entitlement may be claimed at any time.

        • Regulation: Articles 6 and 7. Royal Legislative Decree 670/1987. 30.04. Revised Text of the State Civil Servant Pension Law

      16. I am a pensioner and I live or will live abroad. What do I have to do to collect my pension?

        Civil Servant Pension residing abroad must prove that they are living abroad in order to continue receiving the pension, by means of the corresponding proof of life issued by the Spanish consulate or embassy, which must be sent to this Directorate General within the first quarter of each year.

        (The Certificate of Life document must be issued between 1 January and 31 March).

        Regulation: Royal Decree 1103/2014. 26.12. Article 10.

        If, as a resident in a foreign country, you wish to return to live in Spain, in order to avoid the annual residency check, you must:

        · Inform us of your address in Spain. You can use Form M for "Modification of Civil Servant Pension data", which you will find in the "Applications and procedures" section of this Portal.


        · Send a Certificate of census registration, with a current date

        · Send the Certificate of Removal from the Consular Register, dated as of today's date

        If, on the other hand, you wish to live in a foreign country, you should be aware that you will be included in the annual residency check described above and that for this you must:

        · Send us a recent copy of your Certificate of Life

        · Give your address abroad. You can use Form M for "Modification of Civil Servant Pension data", which you will find in the "Applications and procedures" section of this Portal.


        · If you would like to receive your pension directly from a bank in your country of residence, please send the "Direct debit abroad" Form PE, which you will find in the "Applications and procedures" section of this Portal


    3. Other related queries

      1. Can I submit applications or provide documents by e-mail?

        NO, e-mail is not a valid means of communication under the current Administrative Procedure Act.

        Any application or document may be submitted in any of these 3 ways.

        1. Electronically. If you have an electronic ID card or electronic certificate, you can go to the Civil Servant Pension E-office, by clicking on the following link:


        1. Electronically. If you have an electronic ID card or electronic certificate, you can go to the Civil Servant Pension E-office, by clicking on the following link:


        from the Section: "Electronic application for benefits" and choosing the corresponding "Procedure".

        If you wish to attach different documentation to your existing pension or benefit claim, then you should choose the option at the bottom of the page "Complete previously registered claims".

        2. By post. In writing or by downloading the official form from the Civil Servant Pension Portal, from the "Applications and Procedures" section, or by sending the pending or required documentation with reference to your PENSION/FILE NUMBER.


        3. In person. If you wish to submit your application in person at our offices, you must book an APPOINTMENT in advance from the Civil Servant Pension Portal, in the "Services. Appointments: Other procedures", where you can choose from the calendar the day and time from the available appointments.

        This procedure is essential in order to be able to be attended to at the office


      2. I want to obtain the Pensioner's Card

        This Sub directorate General for Civil Servant Pension' Administration does not issue a pensioner's card.

        The benefits and aid that the different Public Administrations, as well as some public bodies or private companies, may provide due to age or disability, can be obtained in most cases by presenting the DNI or, as appropriate, the certificate or accreditation of disability issued by your Autonomous Community.

        In the event that you need to provide a Certificate stating the Type of Pension you are the holder of and/or the amount of the same, at any time upon request, it can be sent by post to your home address or if you have an email address, sent directly to your email address.

        You can also download these Certificates electronically, if you have an electronic DNI, electronic Certificate or permanent Cl@ve, through the Civil Servant Pension E-office, from the Section: "Citizens", through the following link:


        For your convenience, these documents can be embedded in your mobile phone.

        Currently, there is also the "Tarjeta Social Digital" (Digital Social Card), which is an information system that includes the public social benefits received by citizens, managed by the General State Administration, the Autonomous Communities, local entities and other public entities, and can thus accredit their status as a Civil Servant Pensioner.

        You can get more information and apply for the card via the following link


      3. How can I request copies of documents from a Civil Servant Pension file?

        a). If you are the pensioner concerned:

        You can apply electronically, if you have an electronic DNI, electronic certificate or permanent Cl@ve, through the Civil Servant Pension E-office, from the Section: "Citizens", through the following link:


        The following documents:

        · Certificates of your Civil Servant Pension

        · Receipts of your pay slips

        · The Pension Revaluation Letter (last year)

        · Personal Income Tax Withholding Certificate (last year)

        They can request any other document, as long as it is included in their file.

        b). If you are NOT the pensioner concerned:

        You may freely exercise your right of access to administrative files and documents, subject to the limitations established by law.

        • Regulation: Royal Decree 1708/2011, of 18 November, which establishes the Spanish Archive System and regulates the Archive System of the National Government and its Public Bodies and its access regime.

        You can apply in one of 3 ways.

        1. Electronically. If you have an electronic ID card or electronic certificate, you can go to the Civil Servant Pension E-office, by clicking on the following link:


        from the Section: "General Purpose Form".

        2. By post. In writing or by downloading the official form from the Civil Servant Pension Portal, from the "Applications and Procedures Request for access to the Civil Servant Pension Archive” section.


        In person. If you wish to submit your application in person at our offices, you must book an APPOINTMENT in advance from the Civil Servant Pension Portal, in the "Services. Appointments: Other procedures", where you can choose from the calendar the day and time from the available appointments.

        This procedure is essential in order to be able to be attended to at the office.


    4. New developments in the area of Civil Servant Pensions:

      1. Recognition of the Maternity Allowance for men

        Who is affected? Civil Servant Pension pensioners due to retirement or forced retirement, disability and widowhood pensioners between 1 January 2016 and 3 February 2021, with two or more children, provided that the mother does not already have the same entitlement.

        What is the amount? A percentage of the amount of the recognised pension depending on the number of children.

        The economic effects will be from the date of the event giving rise to the pension with a maximum retroactivity of 4 years. (Regulation: Law 47/2003. 26.11. Article 25).

        How can I apply? Interested parties must submit the corresponding application in writing, indicating the surname, first name and ID of the mother and enclosing a copy of the family book or certified copies of the children’s birth certificates.

        You can find all the relevant information in the Section. - "Retirement pensions. -General rules and special cases, points i) and j)", and in the Section "Pensions for of family members - Widow's and Widower's pensions", on this Civil Servant Pension Portal


      2. New Gender Gap Reduction Supplementary Allowance

        This supplement replaces the previous Maternity Supplement.

        Who is affected? Civil Servant Pension recipients (men or women) for retirement or forced retirement, for incapacity and widow/widower pensioners as of 4 February 2021, with one or more children, provided that the other parent does not already have the same entitlement.

        What is the amount? For this year 2023, the amount recognised will be 30,40 € per month per child, with a maximum of four children.

        How can I apply? Interested parties must submit the corresponding application in writing, indicating the surname, first name and ID of the other parent and enclosing a copy of the family book or certified copy of the children's birth certificates.

        You can find all the relevant information in the Section. - "Retirement pensions. -General rules and special cases, points i) and j)", and in the Section "Pensions for of family members - Widow's and Widower's pensions", on this Civil Servant Pension Portal.


      3. New Economic Bonus for extension of active service

        This supplement replaces the previous Maternity Supplement.

        Who is affected? Civil Servant Pension recipients due to retirement or forced retirement, as from 1 January 2022 for each full year that they extend their stay in active service.

        What is the amount? You can opt for one of the following formulas:

        a). A monthly percentage of 4% of your pension, for each full year of extension, or

        b). A lump sum, for full years of contributions, or

        c). A combination of both. (This option has not yet been subject to regulatory development and is therefore not currently available).

        How can I apply? You must indicate the option you have chosen in your application for retirement submitted to your competent retirement body in the ministry or agency where you served.

        If you do not indicate your choice at that time, this Directorate General will write to you to exercise this right to choose as soon as it receives the documentation from your ministry or agency to recognise your retirement pension.

        You can find all the relevant information in the Section. - "Retirement pensions. -General rules and special cases, point b)", of this Civil Servant Pension' Portal.


      4. Abolition of the prohibition on making new orphan's pensions for orphans over the age of twenty-one who are not incapacitated under the legislation in force on 31 December 1984 or under special war legislation. (Effective from 21 October 2022)

        Where is it regulated? In the sole derogatory provision, paragraph 2 of Law 20/2022, of 19 October, on Democratic Memory, in force since 21 October 2022. ORPHAN'S PENSIONS

        Who is affected? To those interested parties who meet the requirements established for orphan's pensions in the old legislation of the Civil Servant Pension and in war pensions, in particular those provided for in Article 59 of the TRLCPE.

        How can I apply? Using the official forms:

        1. Electronically. If you have an electronic ID card or electronic certificate, you can go to the Civil Servant Pension E-office, by clicking on the following link:


        2. By post. In writing or by downloading the official form from the Civil Servant Pension Portal, from the "Applications and Procedures" section: Application for family pension for civil servants who retired or died before 1/1/1985 (pdf) Application for Civil War family pension (pdf).

        3. In person. If you wish to submit your application in person at our offices, you must book an APPOINTMENT in advance from the Civil Servant Pension Portal, in the "Services. Appointments: Other procedures", where you can choose from the calendar the day and time from the available appointments.


      5. 1.5% increase in the remuneration of active staff.
We will be pleased to answer any questions you may have. To do so, you can send your query from the Civil Service Pension Portal, in the 'Services' section, in the 'Consultation box' tab: